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You are here: Home > BSG Awards > Outstanding Achievement Award > 2008 Baroness Sally Greengross

The BSG Outstanding Achievement Award 2008

Baroness Sally Greengross

In 2008, the BSG Outstanding Achievement Award was presented to Baroness Sally Greengross by Alan Walker, chair of the judging panel, at the annual conference held at the University of West of England.

Sally was Director General of Age Concern England from 1987 to 2000 and was directly responsible for establishing the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology at Kings College, London and Eurolink Age – which has become AGE – Older People’s Platform in Europe. Whilst at Age Concern England, she established many innovative programmes including Age Resource, the Employer's Forumon Age, Ageing Well, Intergenerational Projects, the Exchange on Ageing, Law and Ethics (EAGLE) and the Debate of the Age. She also built up Age Concern Enterprises into a multi-million pound business.

Baroness Greengross is well known to all who work in the field of social gerontology, not only in the UK but internationally and particularly across the EU.